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Okay, so you've read the story, ya think it's great...but now ya wanna join! This is where you do it:

If you want a good guy:

Tell me the Senshi's name and give me an example of how you RP!
~Negaverse General:
This one is a little tougher to get. Give me the name, an example of how you RP, and why you want the general. Be specific and creative!

If you want a bad guy:

These are my favs, so you've gotta blow me away with your e-mail. I want an the characters name, an example of how you RP, and what EVIL things your character enjoys to do most.

If you're submitting a created character:

Whether good or evil, I need the characters name (senshi/villian and human if it has one), it's personality, an example of how you RP, and why you like this character. This is something you need to be creative with! Use your imaginations and I'm sure you'll be accepted!


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